Money, if it does not bring you happiness, will at least help you be miserable in comfort.
Helen Gurley Brown
I want to say to you, Help yourself, so you can help someone else.
James Brown
You can take care of yourself, and God helps those who help themselves.
I usually balance out autobiography with goofy, amusing stuff to help keep the humour in my more serious work.
Jeffrey Brown
Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.
Les Brown
Goals help you channel your energy into action.
Outside of dumb luck, the number one way serial killers are caught is through the help of the public.
Pat Brown
If your brain's not right they have good people at the NHS to help you fix it and talk to and counselling to calm you down and to focus you.
Frank Bruno
My husband's a stunt man, and he dragged me to stunt driving school with him because I hate driving and he felt that it would help to make me... →
Joy Bryant
Sometimes, we are dealing with our own troubles and feel that we don't have the resources to help one another. Or simply, we just don't know... →