Every bit of money that we can bring from our federal transportation budget in Washington back here to Stewart Airport will benefit our local economy... →
Sue Kelly
With Stewart International Airport located here, the New Windsor Police Department has an added responsibility to take anti-terrorism precautions... →
Maybe I've got to admit that what I did here was enough. I can make some more films. Maybe I'll direct a film. Maybe I'll have my musical... →
Gary Kemp
I love L.A., but you can get into a lot of trouble out here.
Matt Kemp
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him, all creatures here below! Praise Him above, ye heavenly host! Praise Father, Son, and Holy... →
Thomas Ken
I'd been going up for things, but I hadn't got anything, and then 'Anne Frank' came out, and there was a sudden flurry. I got a call... →
Ellie Kendrick
I act here and there but you have to commit so far out in advance when you're directing that you - I'm kind of booked six months out, so... →
Joanna Kerns
I'm that person who says, 'No matter what the problem is, there's a solution.' That's the way my brain is wired. If someone says... →
Miranda Kerr
The problem is you tend to look back and identify mistakes, and as a consequence of feeling terrible about mistakes you say you bungled this so bad... →
Bob Kerrey
First of all, do any of you here think it's a crime to help a suffering human end his agony? Any of you think it is? Say so right now. Well... →
Jack Kevorkian