My parents did great and provided well, and gave all their kids personal, moral, ethical values, not a belief that we were entitled to something.
Bonnie Hammer
When I see my kids totally into their Legos, it brings me back to the days I was hanging out and playing with my monster models. It brings me there... →
Kirk Hammett
We must make sure that there is recess and P.E. class in every school, getting kids outside for 60 minutes, every day.
Darell Hammond
Unstructured play gives kids the space they need to tinker and take risks - both vital for the budding entrepreneur.
Kids who don't play are not just at greater risk of falling behind academically, but also of becoming overweight or obese, failing to integrate... →
Toddlers need to get off the soccer field and onto the playground. Children need to get out of the gym and into neighborhood stickball games. We need... →
Our society spends a lot of money on prison bars. For the sake of our kids, let's invest in monkey bars.
We're taking sports too far and starting kids too early.
Our country's growing obsession with organized sports isn't just hurting our children, but also our communities. As play is siphoned off to... →
This summer, we need to let our kids go play and we need to stop worrying about whether or not it's going to ruin their chances of getting into... →