Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Oscar Wilde
Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Ambition is the last refuge of the failure.
I definitely shut down sometimes. I always just go into my own little cocoon and write, and I surround myself with as much music as possible. The... →
Tristan Wilds
I realized that anything to do with Fermat's Last Theorem generates too much interest.
Andrew Wiles
Intimidation doesn't last very long.
Lenny Wilkens
Right through to the end of the last World Cup game, I still couldn't bear the thought of not being perfect or letting people down.
Jonny Wilkinson
I was vegetarian for a long time, and in the last four years I started eating chicken and fish. I feel like it really built up my strength a lot.
Laura Wilkinson
Traditionally, baseball punishes preening. In a society increasingly tolerant of exhibitionism, it is splendid when a hitter is knocked down because... →
George Will
I get quite lazy about cooking because when I come back from work it is the last thing I want to do, really is spend loads of time cooking.
Prince William