In my experience, take the Holy Spirit out of the equation of your life and it spells boring. Add it into the equation of your life and you never... →
Mark Batterson
The greatest tragedy in life is that some prayers go unanswered as they go unasked.
I hear music that comes out of need, out of grief, sorrow, suffering and out of overcoming these things, as well. That journey to freedom still goes... →
Kathleen Battle
In spirituals, the talk of heaven and deliverance was code for a better life. 'Crossing the River Jordan' was code, of course, for escaping... →
I can't imagine life without singing.
The question is not... if art is enough to fulfill my life, but if I am true to the path I have set for myself, if I am the best I can be in the... →
New York is a great place to be fed in the arts. The arts in general are a large part of my life. The city was my postgraduate course.
The insatiable thirst for everything which lies beyond, and which life reveals, is the most living proof of our immortality.
Charles Baudelaire
As a small child, I felt in my heart two contradictory feelings, the horror of life and the ecstasy of life.
This life is a hospital in which every patient is possessed with a desire to change his bed.