In order to build basic democracy here we'll need lives of two generations - at least forty years.
Aleksandr Lebed
The pleasure of reading is doubled when one lives with another who shares the same books.
Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
Life can be tough sometimes. But I think it just starts with admitting, 'Okay, the world's not perfect, how do we live our lives within that... →
Amy Lee
Action-adventure, that genre, only works for me if you can care about the characters. If the hero's not taking some kind of a journey, then there... →
Brandon Lee
For most of our young lives, my family was baffled by elementary school bake sales, to which we were told to bring in goodies to sell. While other... →
Jennifer Lee
Once I started down the path of co-founding Image Comics, and even co-publisher, it just seems a lot more like a career path that isn't that... →
Jim Lee
We breathe, we think, we conceive of our lives as narratives.
Christopher Lehmann-Haupt
But 'This Town' is official Washington. It's political Washington. It's not the Washington that clogs New York Avenue. It's not... →
Mark Leibovich
But films should be voyeuristic. What else is a film if you're not snooping into somebody else's lives?
Mike Leigh
What I'd like to say is that I think the lives of every one of these little kids who are trapped in these unsafe and failing schools are too... →
James R. Leininger