I felt that a number of people might have questioned my loyalty, but I continue to be a patriotic American.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
I still owe a duty of loyalty to my clients and former clients, so I cannot specify which clients I did not especially find congenial, but the cause... →
Floyd Abrams
I look for these qualities and characteristics in people. Honesty is number one, respect, and absolutely the third would have to be loyalty.
Summer Altice
Total loyalty is possible only when fidelity is emptied of all concrete content, from which changes of mind might naturally arise.
Hannah Arendt
As an artist your first loyalty is to your art. Unless this is the case, you're going to be a second-rate artist.
Margaret Atwood
True virtue would never liken its rewards to points on a loyalty card, not because it is its own reward, but because it is not something we should... →
Julian Baggini
Without a common loyalty to either a state or a church they have nevertheless a vast deal in common.
Emily Greene Balch
Loyalty and friendship, which is to me the same, created all the wealth that I've ever thought I'd have.
Ernie Banks
I take things like honor and loyalty seriously. It's more important to me than any materialistic thing or any fame I could have.
Lloyd Banks
The consumerist culture insists that swearing eternal loyalty to anything and anybody is imprudent, since in this world new glittering opportunities... →
Zygmunt Bauman