Meaning, however, is no great matter.
Charles Stuart Calverley
In love, as in gluttony, pleasure is a matter of the utmost precision.
Italo Calvino
Man is simply the best chance we know of that matter has had of providing itself with information about itself.
No matter where we are or how advanced we think we are, there are elemental issues of our civilization that stories help us work through.
Christian Camargo
At a time when we're having to take such difficult decisions about how to cut back without damaging the things that matter the most, we should... →
David Cameron
Pick up a camera. Shoot something. No matter how small, no matter how cheesy, no matter whether your friends and your sister star in it. Put your... →
James Cameron
Faith is almost the bottom line of creativity; it requires a leap of faith any time we undertake a creative endeavor, whether this is going to the... →
Julia Cameron
No matter how much success you're having, you can't continue working together if you can't communicate.
Matt Cameron
I have never been afraid to stand up to the leadership on issues where we disagree. If you chose to keep Cambridge Labour, then I can continue to... →
Anne Campbell
No matter what your choices are, you truly have no control about what people think of you.
Neve Campbell