More customers for Canadian oil means that Canadian producers can charge more for their oil, which then means that American businesses and consumers... →
Ron Wyden
If liberty has any meaning it means freedom to improve.
Philip Wylie
Philanthropy is the thing that I am really excited about, and having success means I can do more.
When I write, I try to represent the ordinary person in the pew, which means that, ironically, I'm qualified to write about prayer by being... →
Philip Yancey
My foray into young adult lit was by no means planned. I wrote the first 'Alfred Kropp' book as an adult novel, which everyone loved but no... →
Rick Yancey
Federal assistance helps millions of Americans escape poverty every year by providing the stability needed to take advantage of new opportunities. In... →
John Yarmuth
While maintaining our nuclear potential at the proper level, we need to devote more attention to developing the entire range of means of information... →
Boris Yeltsin
The United States Postal Service has a problem. People aren't sending as much mail as they used to. That means less postage revenue and... →
Matthew Yglesias
When I was in junior high, a foreign-history teacher started a theater class. So I got my feet wet there and through high school, so I was very... →
Dwight Yoakam
Transcendental meditation is something that can be defined as a means to do what one wants to do in a better way, a right way, for maximum results.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi