A good upbringing means not that you won't spill sauce on the tablecloth, but that you won't notice it when someone else does.
Anton Chekhov
When a lot of remedies are suggested for a disease, that means it can't be cured.
I love the fact that I can go out there on stage with a guitar and sing a song that means something to somebody.
Kenny Chesney
The fatal metaphor of progress, which means leaving things behind us, has utterly obscured the real idea of growth, which means leaving things inside... →
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to that... →
Love means to love that which is unlovable; or it is no virtue at all.
Democracy means government by the uneducated, while aristocracy means government by the badly educated.
Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die.
A new philosophy generally means in practice the praise of some old vice.
Chastity does not mean abstention from sexual wrong; it means something flaming, like Joan of Arc.