There are so many people that don't come in contact with black men. Whether they live in a homogeneous area that's mostly white or whether... →
Ryan Coogler
We look at the African-American community, for a long time those of us who be considered strong - black men - for whatever reason, haven't done a... →
The little boy inside of all us men always loves something video game related.
Dane Cook
Man has an incurable habit of not fulfilling the prophecies of his fellow men.
Alistair Cooke
Women encourage men to be childish, then scold them.
Mason Cooley
Young men preen. Old men scheme.
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not;... →
Calvin Coolidge
It is only when men begin to worship that they begin to grow.
We need more of the Office Desk and less of the Show Window in politics. Let men in office substitute the midnight oil for the limelight.
When large numbers of men are unable to find work, unemployment results.