I met a congressman who claimed that he could introduce me to two people who saw Amelia Earhart.
Jim Sullivan
When I met my wife 20 plus years ago, she was a vegetarian, so I was the closest thing to the devil that she had ever met.
Michael Symon
I marched back then - I was in a civil-rights musical, Fly Blackbird, and we met Martin Luther King.
George Takei
CMS has a track record of successfully overseeing the many contractors our programs depend on to function. Unfortunately, a subset of those contracts... →
Marilyn Tavenner
Red Skelton... I broke into tears when I met him.
Rip Taylor
I am a part of all that I have met.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Since I was 9 years old, I have been working, hustling to find my own projects - from telenovelas to record deals, etc. etc. Way before I met my... →
Everyone that ever met me has been in love with me.
Lawrence Tierney
I felt that if we, as the Met, were not intervening once one person starts digging up Parliament Square, then someone else is going to join in and... →
Michael Todd
I met Rodney when I first moved to LA, so I'd say 20 years. He's the eternal teenager.
Kathy Valentine