The printing press is the greatest weapon in the armoury of the modern commander.
T. E. Lawrence
The modern world is personal; people want to know intimate things.
Nigella Lawson
My only worry about tweeting and modern technology is how it has crept into even the darkest corners of the absolute global village we live in.
Denis Leary
The modern era of Cape Cod baseball dawned in 1963 when the league became a showcase for the collegiate elite.
Jane Leavy
I am probably the biggest equity investor in the history of modern Russia.
Alexander Lebedev
Modern low temperature physics began with the liquefaction of helium by Kamerlingh Onnes and the discovery of superconductivity at the University of... →
David Lee
Superheroes are modern mythological characters, so you're going to make them look impossible. Even my Krypto The Superdog is the idealisation of... →
Jim Lee
It's a heavy weight, the camera. Now we have modern and lightweight, small plastic cameras, but in the '70s they were heavy metal.
Annie Leibovitz
I don't have any of the modern stuff. I don't have e-mail. I don't have a computer!
Elmore Leonard
Modern man is probably a more humiliated and depressed creature than he dares to know.
Michael Leunig