People want to be disturbed when they go see a horror movie.
Eli Roth
I think characters are most terrifying when they're relatable. It's best when your most horrible characters make sense, and are believable.... →
Anytime you make a movie, the goal is a wide theatrical release, with the right distributor.
I want people to see my name on a movie, pay money and know they're going to be entertained for 90 minutes.
If someone gets up and walks out of the movie, it means it's really affected them.
Movie stars need to retain some of that mystique if you are a big movie star.
Well, anytime I make a movie, I like to load it up with more things than you could ever catch on the first viewing.
When I go see an R-rated horror movie, I want lots of violence.
I saw 'Alien' when I was 8 years old. To me, it was like a combination of Jaws and Star Wars, and that's the movie that made me want to... →
I'd love to see us get to a point where you can make a movie and not worry about the limits of the violence. Then I think they'd get so... →