In 1955 music wasn't that important. Music was a kind of a special thing you went and did.
Jerry Hunt
Maybe if I knew music I couldn't do what I am doing.
Alberta Hunter
The musicians that didn't know music could play the best blues. I know that I don't want no musicians who know all about music playin'... →
I mean, in the course of an evening, people will take a solo here and there, but generally it's all about the rhythm of that music. Dealing with... →
Charlie Hunter
The market didn't define the music; the music defined the market.
I certainly hope my music is in no way, shape or form influenced by anything that would be known as a jam band. If it is, then I'm going to do... →
I never do anything to strictly satisfy a fickle, ever-changing commercial world. I do the music I like to play. It's the only way I feel... →
That's the exact concept behind the music: to take that kind of, I guess whatever you want to call it, jazz sensibility - but not have it be... →
Ultimately, at the end of it, it's just trying to get into that space where you feel like you're hitting the right thing and you're... →
Other people notice the same things but they don't think to put it to music.
Ian Hunter