God has called us to be His representatives in our nation and in our world. Select candidates who represent your views and work for their election.
James Dobson
Our nation's children are our greatest asset and our most precious treasure.
Christopher Dodd
America's highways, roads, bridges, are an indispensable part of our lives. They link one end of our nation to the other. We use them each and... →
By strengthening the economy, providing job opportunity and meeting the needs of working families, we can ensure the continued prosperity of our... →
The people that I represent in Illinois care passionately about protecting open space and safeguarding our nation's natural treasures, including... →
Robert Dold
In liberating Iraq, we have rid the nation and the rest of the world from the danger of Saddam Hussein.
Elizabeth Dole
America's moved so much of its production and manufacturing offshore, it's become a nation of middlemen.
Andrew Dominik
I thought I needed to go to one of the top five schools in the nation and never even thought 'What's important to me?' Instead of... →
Elena Delle Donne
What did our nation ever do to provoke these madly vicious enemies? What is seen as injustice in one place is seen as just requital in the other.
Mary Douglas
You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertising.
Norman Douglas