The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter - often an unconscious, but still a truthful interpreter - in the eye.
Charlotte Bronte
Politicians often claim secrecy is necessary for good governance or national security.
Heather Brooke
Hackers often describe what they do as playfully creative problem solving.
Systematically identity top designers as early as possible. The best are often not the most experienced.
Fred Brooks
I'm a big movie fan. After a show, if I'm on the bus or a plane, it's often hard to get to sleep, so I'll watch a film. An action... →
Garth Brooks
For most people, chemotherapy is no longer the chamber of horrors we often conceive it to be. Yes, it is an ordeal for some people, but it wasn't... →
Geraldine Brooks
Genius and virtue are to be more often found clothed in gray than in peacock bright.
Van Wyck Brooks
I often start writing in order to excite an expansive emotion.
James Broughton
I often avoid using the terms 'figuration' and 'abstraction' because I've always tried to have it both ways. I want the... →
Cecily Brown
My process is really quite organic, and starting a painting is one of the best parts for me. I always start in quite a loose and free way. I often... →