I explained I wanted to descend as quickly as possible to camp IV in order to warm myself and gather a supply of hot drink and oxygen in the event I... →
Anatoli Boukreev
For a dinner date, I eat light all day to save room, then I go all in: I choose this meal and this order, and I choose you, the person across from... →
Anthony Bourdain
Big stuff and little: learning how to order breakfast in a country where I don't speak the language and haven't been before - that's... →
It is time for Congress to provide relief for tobacco farmers. Since the 1930's tobacco production has been regulated by a quota system, which... →
Allen Boyd
The only people who had authority within the Church to stop Brendan Smyth from having contact with children were his Abbot in the Monastery in... →
Sean Brady
The world presents enough problems if you believe it to be a world of law and order; do not add to them by believing it to be a world of miracles.
Louis D. Brandeis
I wanted to be an editor or a journalist, I wasn't really interested in being an entrepreneur, but I soon found I had to become an entrepreneur... →
Richard Branson
I think that we have a responsibility to make certain that we are fiscally responsible in order to assure, frankly, future generations don't have... →
Carol Moseley Braun
Sometimes all you need is just for somebody to believe in you in order to be able to accomplish maybe what you never thought you could.
Drew Brees
What's my favourite food? One you order out.
Abigail Breslin