If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem.
Richard Bach
Every problem has a gift for you in its hands.
I've always had a problem with people who couldn't tell the truth or admit a mistake and say they're wrong.
Burt Bacharach
Harvard Medical School, the University of South Florida and the American Psychiatric Association have all conducted studies showing that the earlier... →
Spencer Bachus
I get involved if a problem comes up after the death has been investigated by the local authority.
Michael Baden
Arsenic sticks around and today it's easily found after death if somebody thinks of looking for it, because the problem with arsenic, it... →
The personality problem is so tough when you're not able to pay people. It's bad enough when you can pay people, but, when you have people... →
John Badham
No one bill will cure the problem of spam. It will take a combined effort of legislation, litigation, enforcement, customer education, and technology... →
David Baker
So I let them be responsible for there particular areas. Then by the time it gets to me that means that there is a problem. I have my eyes open and I... →
Dusty Baker
When you have energy companies like Shell and British Petroleum, both of which are perhaps represented in this room, saying there is a problem with... →
James Baker