The artist himself may not think he is religious, but if he is sincere his sincerity in itself is religion.
Emily Carr
Religion brings to man an inner strength, spiritual light, and ineffable peace.
Alexis Carrel
Resist this war on God, freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
Benjamin Carson
I think science is about the search for God; it just comes at it from a different angle than religion.
Chris Carter
Religion is organized to satisfy and guide the soul - politics does the same thing for the body.
Joyce Cary
Religion is never the problem; it's the people who use it to gain power.
Julian Casablancas
I went to this Episcopalian school, and one day I came home and asked my mom, 'What religion are we?' She looked at me and said... →
Alexandra Cassavetes
The concept of God in America is very different than it is in England. Because we see the horrendous outcome of religion as being an American thing... →
Nick Cave
I'm a believer. I don't go to church. I don't belong to any particular religion, but I do believe in God. I couldn't write what I... →
I have never been converted to or even had much interest in spiritualism, occultism, Swedenborgianism or any particular religion. And I never, except... →
Dick Cavett