There is one thing higher than Royalty: and that is religion, which causes us to leave the world, and seek God.
Elizabeth I
No white group has founded a major religion on this planet. The major religious were started in the Orient and the Middle East, not in Greece and... →
Jane Elliot
I'm a practicing Christian - and I'm going to keep practicing till I get it right - but I don't feel everyone has to practice the same... →
For that again, is what all manner of religion essentially is: childish dependency.
Albert Ellis
There is a very intimate connection between hypnotic phenomena and religion.
Havelock Ellis
The Muslim Prophet Mohammed was a big believer in charity and firmly established helping those in need as a basis of the religion.
Richard Engel
Kidnapping is always a threat in this life of reporting on men hurting one another because of religion and politics.
This is a war against terrorists. Not a war against a religion, but a war against terrorists.
Gordon England
If you grow up in a very strong religion like Catholicism you certainly cultivate in yourself a certain taste for the intensity of ideas.
Brian Eno
I'm actually an evangelical atheist, but there is something I recognise about religion: that it gives people a chance to surrender.