You got to have people at the top who respond to and are selected by presidents.
Dick Cheney
I think the athletes respond well to me because I have been successful.
Linford Christie
You never know what the public is going to respond to or relate to.
Dominic Cooper
I respond in the moment which is what makes me a good actor.
Russell Crowe
Anger is one way to respond to fear. I say one way because responses are categorically multiple.
Mark Z. Danielewski
By what you do, you teach your children how to respond to difficult information.
Elizabeth Edwards
I'm a dogged person. I respond to adversity with a steely resistance.
Jennifer Egan
I respond to a part just intuitively when I read a script.
Ralph Fiennes
I just really respond to comics. I find it a really exciting medium.
Ellen Forney
I think, in general, it's better not to respond to reviews of your work.
Nell Freudenberger