Honestly, the best skater that I've seen who raps is Tyler, The Creator. He really can skate... He's legit.
Tony Hawk
In ramp skating, there's this guy Alex Perelson who's really coming into his own and doing some amazing new stuff we haven't seen before.... →
I was never top of the class at school, but my classmates must have seen potential in me, because my nickname was Einstein.
Lucy Hawking
I was never top of the class at school, but my classmates must have seen potential in me, because my nickname was 'Einstein.'
Stephen Hawking
Not only does God play dice, but... he sometimes throws them where they cannot be seen.
God not only plays dice, but also sometimes throws them where they cannot be seen.
God not only plays dice, He also sometimes throws the dice where they cannot be seen.
The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it.
John Hay
In my own life, I've seen myself ramping up the amount of text I consume digitally. For me, it's the weight and inconvenience issue - I want... →
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
At the beginning of 'Will and Grace', I played Jack as the funny next-door-neighbor type, as we've seen in the past. And I thought that... →
Sean Hayes