Separate we come, and separate we go, And this be it known, is all that we know.
Conrad Aiken
I refuse to allow any man-made differences to separate me from any other human beings.
Maya Angelou
I always separate myself from reviews, but tweets and Instagram comments, they go directly to my phone. It's hard to keep up.
Skylar Astin
Can miles truly separate you from friends... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?
Richard Bach
I think they should separate Microsoft's application group from its operating system group.
Jim Barksdale
For some reason writing and drawing are very separate processes for me.
Alison Bechdel
It is very hard to separate one's self from a character. Sometimes the people closest to me have to be very understanding.
Halle Berry
When you live in a networked environment, it's possible to separate data from applications.
Stephen Cambone
I never really think of acting and directing as being separate; they are just different expressions of the same thing.
Peter Capaldi
Now a lot has changed and I can separate a lot of things.
Jennifer Capriati