The name of 'reform' simply covers what is latently a process of the theft of the national heritage.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
In America, the photographer is not simply the person who records the past, but the one who invents it.
Susan Sontag
I'm simply saying that there are advantages in sending a skilled diplomat who can always say, 'I'll get back to you on that, Mr.... →
Theodore C. Sorensen
I've never really wanted to go to Japan. Simply because I don't like eating fish.
Britney Spears
I simply adore 'The Simpsons.' I go to bed in a 'Simpsons' T-shirt.
Steven Spielberg
I am not qualified to talk about the diet. Simply because I am not a dietician.
Mark Spitz
Our Constitution does not profess to have been established simply by the majority, but by 'the people' - the minority as much as the majority.
Lysander Spooner
Vices are simply the errors which a man makes in his search after his own happiness. Unlike crimes, they imply no malice toward others, and no... →
I don't believe in societal restrictions. It wasn't a choice - conformity simply never occurred to me.
Lady Starlight
My legislation, the Simple Savings Tax Relief Act of 2005, simply eliminates the taxation of interest earned in savings accounts, such as passbook... →
Cliff Stearns