I'm a Midwesterner by birth, and when I traveled there, when I was young, most of the small towns were thriving, vibrant places.
Philip Caputo
Like I said, all comedy is based on exaggeration, big or small, whatever you can get away with.
Drew Carey
There's nothing like the energy in a small comedy club room or a small theater when it's going really well. I can see everybody's face... →
I hope that somewhere in Small Town, U.S.A., a 15-year-old kid looks to me as a role model the way I looked at the Indigo Girls and Elton John as... →
Brandi Carlile
Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time.
George Carlin
Chess only appeals to quite a small minority. It does not have the cachet of a mainstream popular sport.
Magnus Carlsen
To be honest I don't think I was any great shakes as a theatre actor because everything I was doing was really small in size - intimate.
Robert Carlyle
Nashville has a great creative atmosphere. It's a small, close-knit music community that you can't find anywhere else.
Kim Carnes
I kept thinking, 'How do you make a modern musical?' Then it became clear that I could do it just like a small indie art-house movie, very... →
John Carney
You're more constrained when you're wealthy. Or when you're making a bigger film and people complain about no budgets; but having a small... →