Architecture is how the person places herself in the space. Fashion is about how you place the object on the person.
Zaha Hadid
Obviously for some people there is a big connection between music and the way you can create a space.
Keeping your space clean is as much a part of the end result as the dish being tasty.
Carla Hall
Yes, I mean, There's nothing like it. There is an added sense of pressure because of that, but there's also nothing like the thrill you get... →
Michael C. Hall
I can't tell you how much we laughed on the set to have Alec Guinness in a scene with a big, furry dog that's flying a space ship.
Mark Hamill
If I had unlimited funds, wall space and storage, I would collect a lot more things, like 'Planet of the Apes,' 'Star Wars,' science... →
Kirk Hammett
I love horror movies in space. I love it when the genre switches over and what was sci-fi becomes horror.
Unstructured play gives kids the space they need to tinker and take risks - both vital for the budding entrepreneur.
Darell Hammond
It's absolutely crucial that every child-serving organization - be it an elementary school, daycare, or community center - provide its children... →
The wings are moved several times by hand to charge the crank chamber with mixture, which flows on through the external pipe and inlet valve to the... →
Lawrence Hargrave