Notwithstanding the fact that the most innovative and progressive space we've seen - the Internet - has been the place where intellectual... →
Lawrence Lessig
Space or science fiction has become a dialect for our time.
Doris Lessing
Sadly, semi-consciousness, along with daydreaming, is a capacity that is actively discouraged among children in schools, and our society is much... →
Michael Leunig
I'd like to convince you that the universe has a soundtrack and that soundtrack is played on space itself, because space can wobble like a drum.
Janna Levin
Well, I think one doesn't really have to invent this memorial space, because it is already there. And it is speaking with a voice and, you know... →
Daniel Libeskind
A lot of my works deal with a passage, which is about time. I don't see anything that I do as a static object in space. It has to exist as a... →
Maya Lin
I'm afraid of elevators, because they are an enclosed space, but I get in.
Amanda Lindhout
If you gave kids peas that didn't look like peas and said they were a space shuttle, they're much more apt to eat them because it's now... →
Hod Lipson
Puffy produced four of the tracks on the album. Those are the four songs that are collaborations between Puffy and me. And he gives me my space to... →
Jennifer Lopez
Some people can sometimes really invade your space and kind of never leave you alone.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus