When a man is asked to make a speech, the first thing he has to decide is what to say.
Gerald R. Ford
I will be brief. Not nearly so brief as Salvador Dali, who gave the world's shortest speech. He said I will be so brief I have already finished... →
Gene Fowler
I am a sinner. This is the most accurate definition. It is not a figure of speech, a literary genre. I am a sinner.
Pope Francis
A presidential speech is always the work of many hands.
David Frum
Events don't happen because I write a speech. I am allowed to write a speech because events are going to happen.
Speech writers are more vulnerable to vanity than any other group of people in Washington.
The current total of countries in the world with First Amendments is one. You have guaranteed freedom of speech. Other countries don't have that.
Neil Gaiman
The commencement speech is not, I think, a wholly satisfactory manifestation of our culture.
John Kenneth Galbraith
Breathing is fundamental to speech. A stammer is caused by erratic airflow, so if you have a smooth airflow, you have smooth speech.
Gareth Gates
Speech and having a stammer is obviously a big part of my life.