Once you start writing a character visually, you're in trouble.
Melissa McCarthy
It's hard to live up to The Beatles. When Wings toured, they got slated. Even Dad found it hard living up to The Beatles. I started out playing... →
James McCartney
Someone like John would want to end the Beatle period and start the Yoko period. He wouldn't like either to interfere with the other.
Paul McCartney
You have to be hopeful that people will be more educated in how they buy things, and hopefully more luxury brands will start to think that way on a... →
Stella McCartney
Somehow in the public sector, if you start in the mailroom and spend your life getting promoted, it's unseemly.
Claire McCaskill
And what better way to reinvent the form than to toss virtually 99% of everything that's been done with it and start with a brand-new canvas... →
Scott McCloud
You want to be a writer? Start writing. You want to be a filmmaker? Start shooting stuff on your phone right now.
Matthew McConaughey
When I'm surfing, I'm sure not thinking about the paparazzi. I guess if they start getting on floaties and coming out there in the water... →
I think the discipline comes with turning that cellphone and Blackberry off and unplugging completely. You do that and you go through some... →
As soon as I hear the word 'competition' I get serious and start doing everything that I can do.
Maureen McCormick