I have long been a supporter of the Head Start program because each and every year I witness the dramatic positive impact that early intervention... →
Lucille Roybal-Allard
During consideration in the Education and the Workforce Committee this year, Democrats and Republicans worked constructively together to improve the... →
I started modeling quite young. I would really recommend to every girl not to start modeling until they turn 17, to be honest. Before that, I think... →
Anja Rubik
When we don't get any treats, we feel depleted, resentful, and angry, and we feel justified in self-indulgence. We start to crave comfort - and... →
Gretchen Rubin
A series of small but real accomplishments gives people the energy and confidence to continue. For instance, a person who wants to write a novel... →
Usually when I start a new project there's a fear of the unknown; maybe it's a band I've never been in the studio with before. People are... →
Rick Rubin
You know who a complicated tax code kills? The guy or gal trying to start a business out of the spare bedroom of their home. So we've got to... →
Marco Rubio
Let's stop talking about new taxes and start talking about creating new taxpayers, which basically means jobs.
But let me tell you what happens when regulations go too far, when they seem to exist only for the purpose of justifying the existence of a... →
When you're a dancer, you start with the basics. You don't all of a sudden do a grand jete and pirouette. You start with first position... →
Rita Rudner