We play a violent sport.
Shaun Alexander
Violence is the first refuge of the violent.
Aaron Allston
It is hard to look the other way when a dictator is being so cruel and violent with his own people.
Tammy Baldwin
I believe that truth has only one face: that of a violent contradiction.
Georges Bataille
The fact that wealthy people or people from privileged backgrounds may wind up in a violent terrorist organization is not new.
Lowell Bergman
Video games offer violent messages, and even the sports video games include taunting and teasing.
Geoffrey Canada
I am not a violent person. I actually don't like to hurt people.
Gina Carano
No violent extreme endures.
Thomas Carlyle
The world is too violent right now.
Jackie Chan
A crash really occurs when you suddenly have a violent downturn in the market that then heralds a long bull market.
Ron Chernow