You got to be willing to walk in a storm. That's what I tell people all the time.
Ray Lewis
I don't walk around chuckling all the time. My outlook is very bleak. It's worse than bleak, it's apocalyptic.
Mark Leyner
Like, Australians definitely don't walk around dressed up in blackface going, 'Ha-ha.'
Chris Lilley
To make a long story short, there's nothing like having a boss walk in.
Doris Lilly
I'm a slow walker, but I never walk back.
Abraham Lincoln
I walk slowly, but I never walk backward.
I can walk about London and see a society that seems an absolutely revolutionary change from the 1950s, that seems completely and utterly different... →
Penelope Lively
How do I take a step? How do I lift my foot off the ground, move it through the air a little bit and then bring it down? I had to teach myself to... →
Jonah Lomu
It was in 2003 that I realised there was no choice but to have dialysis treatment - by the time of the World Cup that year, I could barely walk. A... →
I'm gonna walk super, super slow to when I turn 40 or something. To me, walking and floating slow represents how wealthy you are!
Theophilus London