Since the beginning, a woman's first and most important role has been ushering into mortality spirit sons and daughters of our Father in Heaven.
Ezra Taft Benson
The literal resurrection of every soul who has lived and died on earth is a certainty, and surely one should make careful preparation for this event.... →
In the beginning, God placed a woman in a companion role with the priesthood.
A woman whose life is involved in the righteous rearing of her children has a better chance of keeping up her spirits than the woman whose total... →
I'd like to know what law is it that says that a woman is a better parent, simply by virtue of her sex.
Robert Benton
As I get older, I feel better about myself because I've done a lot of spiritual work on myself and balanced myself out, and so I feel more... →
Marisa Berenson
Pride in a man is confused with dignity; in a woman, with self-love.
Jose Bergamin
A woman who does not become the slave of just one man becomes the slave of all men.
Man is a question; woman is an answer. The mistake women make today is to offer themselves as answers before being questioned.
We say of an animal that it is intelligent, and we say the same thing of a woman; but in neither case is it usually appropriate, clearly for very... →