In 'The Purity Myth,' I not only discuss what the purity myth is and reveal its consequences for women, but also outline a new way for us to... →
Jessica Valenti
There is no public space for women; the whole world is a prison where you have to be constantly aware at all times that you're a potential... →
People ask me a lot, 'Well, can you be pro-life and be feminist? Can you be conservative and be feminist?' And I think that, yeah, maybe... →
Women are brought up to believe you are going to be the better parent and you know what's best. I don't think that's necessarily true. As... →
Even the notion that women should have children at all is based on the idea that a woman's inherent and most important role is that of mother.... →
It's become impossible to enjoy most quality television shows because the hurt or endangered women device is so frequently used.
It's kind of like family. I can't say that we go out to lunch and to the movies every day with each other. Everyone's fully grown adult... →
Kathy Valentine
Women are not in love with me but with the picture of me on the screen. I am merely the canvas on which women paint their dreams.
Rudolph Valentino
To generalize on women is dangerous. To specialize on them is infinitely worse.
I represent the small businesses, the women, and the families working so hard to rebuild our communities.
Sher Valenzuela