The foolish and cruel notion that a wife is to obey her husband has sent more women to the grave than to the courts for a divorce.
Lemuel K. Washburn
I think the bottom of the totem pole is African-American women, or women of colour. I think they get the least opportunities in Hollywood.
Denzel Washington
I find women much more interesting than dudes.
Mark Waters
It's great to see there's a push behind women's MMA because everyone who's involved in women's MMA is very passionate about it.
Michelle Waterson
Maybe women get to a certain age and they no longer have a filter; they're considered crazy people or something.
Michaela Watkins
I get to do physical comedy! When do women get to do physical comedy? Very rarely.
It was tough trying to figure out how to put on all the women's clothes.
Barry Watson
Among seniors, Social Security is the sole source of income for 26 percent of nonmarried women.
Diane Watson
Social Security makes up a much larger share of total retirement income for unmarried women and minorities than it does for married couples... →
One-third of all female infertility is the result of blocked fallopian tubes. If fertilization could be done in the lab and then the fertilized egg... →
James D. Watson