Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of will.i.am →
Philanthropy is my job.
Kids today aren't listening to music audio-only. They're picking up a CD and looking at the lyric sheet and wondering why the pictures... →
We need creative people working with broadcasters, making smart content to inspire people to be geniuses.
I'm a fan of X-men.
Here's the problem: Profiteers haunt America, and for everything we try to control, someone's going to profit from it, more than you control... →
I read Twitter all the time, even though I rarely tweet.
If you listen to the songs I write, they are the most ADHD songs ever. They have five hooks in one and it all happens in three minutes.
America has to be not just an idea but a living, breathing thing.
Coming out with records when you're in a big, successful group that plays stadiums, that's scary to come out by yourself.
Hip-hop was fast, originally. It was always fast music.
It's a rare combination to have someone who can write songs and sing well.
I can procrastinate a little bit.
I don't despise people.