Noah Baumbach (born September 3, 1969) is an American writer, director and independent filmmaker. Read full biography of Noah Baumbach →
It's nice being friends over a period of time with people whose music you like so much, or other filmmakers, seeing people change, go through... →
As a kid, I thought of myself as a funny person who secretly wanted to be serious, but now I think maybe I'm a serious person who secretly wants... →
I try to procrastinate, if I can, productively, like I'll work on something else as procrastination. Or I take a walk. Because often I find, if... →
It's funny, I'm very analytical in my real life, but in terms of my films, I try to not analyze them at all and let things just go into them... →
When you find yourself on the Internet when you're supposed to be writing, you've already lost. It's even beyond procrastination when you... →
I'm good with a grill. I like to make cheeseburgers - I once read in a David Goodis crime novel that you're only supposed to flip a burger... →
With 'Greenberg,' I wanted to make a movie about Los Angeles... my great love for it and also the way that I felt not at home and alienated... →
It's always really special to be at the New York Film Festival, and always a real privilege.
I'm always interested in how people, myself included, have ideas of themselves, of how they thought they would be, or of how they want to be... →
Many of the crew members I work with and continue to work with were friends or have become close friends, and so we keep working together. And I like... →
Defining yourself by your taste is easier than defining yourself by any genuine stance on something.
I thought at the time of my parents' divorce that I was upset by deeper, more profound things and I was just taking it out on the joint custody... →
A film set becomes its own family anyway, and all family dynamics come out during a shoot. The trick is hiring people who know how to handle that.