Noah Baumbach (born September 3, 1969) is an American writer, director and independent filmmaker. Read full biography of Noah Baumbach →
I suppose some studio executive would say it's death for a comedy if people aren't all laughing in the same places, but I find with my movies... →
I used to get up and write every day, even if I wasn't working on a specific thing. Now, when I have a thing I'm in the middle of, I do that... →
I've definitely been in situations where I could tell someone was interested in me, but I could tell they were insulting me in some... →
I've run into more people walking in L.A. than if I drove. Because you stand out so much if you walk. People from my past have stopped their cars... →
To this day, I have people I might meet who will make assumptions about my life based on fictional elements of 'The Squid And The Whale.' But... →
When I make a movie, I have both a specific and vague, amorphous dream idea of what the movie is going to be. Of course, I don't actually know... →
When you're around your family, and you have that history and that shared language, you say things you'd be embarrassed to hear quoted back... →