Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed.
Samuel Johnson
We're born man, woman and sexual beings.
Virginia Johnson
I was born in Washington, D.C., and I was raised in Milwaukee.
Kristen Johnston
Being born in a Christian home does not make you a Christian.
E. Stanley Jones
I was born in Saratoga, Texas, a little town there in the Big Thicket about 60 miles north of Beaumont. Needless to say, we were very, very poor, but... →
George Jones
I don't collaborate. You're born alone, you die alone, you get on stage alone.
Grace Jones
I was born in revolution.
Mary Harris Jones
I hope that on my tombstone it says 'Born 1933, died 2043.' I hope that's my legacy.
Quincy Jones
I suppose it's fair to say that I am interested in the invention of self or selves. We're all born into certain circumstances with particular... →
Sarah Jones
There are people who are born deaf and grow up deaf who don't speak at all, and some of them have told me that they resent a little bit that I do... →
I. King Jordan