Regulation is necessary, particularly in a sector, like the banking sector, which exposes countries and people to a risk.
Christine Lagarde
Stupidly it should not be. It should be also nice. One must get along with that. Is however not necessary.
Karl Lagerfeld
These companies know that at their current size they're not going to be big enough to have the necessary capital, and they don't have enough... →
Steve Largent
If diffraction or interference phenomena were to be sought it was therefore necessary, in accordance with the basic principles of wave theory, to... →
Max von Laue
For Mantle, the Yankees' locker room was a sanctuary, a safe haven where he was understood, accepted and, when necessary, exonerated.
Jane Leavy
If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism, we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of... →
Vladimir Lenin
Life isn't a 24/7 merry go round. If it were, you wouldn't get the 7 hours of sleep necessary to keep you fit and sane.
Jacqueline Leo
The instruments, glassware, and chemical reagents necessary for my project were the same as my 19th-century predecessors had.
Rita Levi-Montalcini
If people should ever start to do only what is necessary millions would die of hunger.
Georg C. Lichtenberg
We must not condemn to frustration those whose job it is to protect us by failing to provide them with the necessary resources to meet the threats... →
Joe Lieberman