Safety nets for the poor and disadvantaged are a must for any compassionate nation, but encouraging folks to go on the dole when not absolutely... →
Bill O'Reilly
Politics is a necessary evil, or a necessary annoyance, a necessary conundrum.
P. J. O'Rourke
A rubber neck is a necessary part of equipment.
Peter O'Toole
Philanthropic humility is necessary if a giver is to do more good than harm, but it is not sufficient - philanthropic prudence is also needed.
Marvin Olasky
The Palestinians are facing a historic junction at which they will have to decide whether they want to remain stuck in a corner of extreme... →
Ehud Olmert
Let me explain what I do here. I don't want to confuse you any more than absolutely necessary.
Eugene Ormandy
To survive it is often necessary to fight and to fight you have to dirty yourself.
George Orwell
It is precisely because neither individuals nor small groups can be fully self-sufficient that cooperation is necessary to human survival and... →
Tom G. Palmer
Guardians are necessary for children and abnormal adults, because they cannot make responsible choices for themselves.
Fear was absolutely necessary. Without it, I would have been scared to death.
Floyd Patterson