Much of what Karl Popper contributed to the philosophy of science has now passed into mainstream thought, into the currency of that nebulous, tricky... →
Liz Williams
Fashion is more about feel than science.
Pharrell Williams
Einstein was searching for String Theory. It not only reconciles General Relativity to Quantum Mechanics, but it reconciles Science and the Bible as... →
Roy H. Williams
Science fiction readers probably have the gene for novelty, and seem to enjoy a cascade of invention as much as a writer enjoys providing one.
Walter Jon Williams
Even if you only want to write science fiction, you should also read mysteries, poetry, mainstream literature, history, biography, philosophy, and... →
In future, lots of things will be made from beans and fibres grown on the farmers' fields. This new science is called chemurgy. Plastics, for... →
Henry Williamson
Science fiction is an amazing literature: plot elements that you would think would be completely worn out by now keep changing into surprising new... →
Connie Willis
That the way to achieve higher standards of living for all is through science and technology, taking advantage of better tools, methods and... →
Charles E. Wilson
As a kid I wanted to write science fiction, and I was never without a book. Later I really got into being a scientist and never thought I'd be... →
Daniel H. Wilson
Science and religion are the two most powerful forces in the world. Having them at odds... is not productive.
E. O. Wilson