Experimentation is an active science.
Claude Bernard
Advertising is fundamentally persuasion and persuasion happens to be not a science, but an art.
William Bernbach
I warn you against believing that advertising is a science.
Science and religion are both the same thing. They're there; they're life. If it's not science, it's not a fact.
Chuck Berry
What is a philosophy? It Is an answer satisfactory to the reason to all the great problems of life. That is what is meant by philosophy. It must... →
Annie Besant
Science regards man as an aggregation of atoms temporarily united by a mysterious force called the life-principle. To the materialist, the only... →
The birth of science rang the death-knell of an arbitrary and constantly interposing Supreme Power.
I'm not much interested in extrapolating science and technology; I merely use extrapolation as a means of putting people into new quandaries... →
Alfred Bester
Most science fiction, quite frankly, is silly nonsense.
Raising children is a creative endeavor, an art rather than a science.
Bruno Bettelheim