I think it is very difficult today to have a reasoned public discourse on any controversial subject. Certainly, election years present a complicating... →
John Poindexter
Today, Academies of Science use their influence around the world in support of human rights.
John Charles Polanyi
Gay marriage won't be more of an issue 25 years from now than interracial marriage is today.
Jared Polis
For example, a man who might not have enormous charisma, who could be president 40 years ago, and who was a deserving president, I don't know... →
Sydney Pollack
Today painters do not have to go to a subject matter outside of themselves. Most modern painters work from a different source. They work from within.
Jackson Pollock
The struggle you see in the Republican Party today is the country club Republican versus the bowling alley Republican. Colin Powell brings us back to... →
Pete du Pont
There were some entrepreneurial du Ponts that are a little different from the heads of the corporations today.
No one should be ashamed to admit they are wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that they are wiser today than they were yesterday.
Alexander Pope
I don't in any way disparage any time I've had in the trenches because it really has made me the artist I am today.
Billy Porter
The way to an American economic comeback, the way to help those out of work today find a paycheck, is to unleash the forces of job creation in... →
Rob Portman