I enjoy theater just for the sheer excitement of it and the immediate response that you get, and how every night the audience is a little bit... →
Dorian Missick
Libyans have to work together for a new Libya. They should keep in place the sinews of security.
Andrew Mitchell
There's a disease that young writers are susceptible to, which is, I will do this because I can - hubris, I suppose - without stopping to work... →
David Mitchell
I often lose myself in the Sudoku-like challenges of making a book work.
From my parents, I learned a very strong work ethic, and all of my brothers and sisters all worked from the earliest days of life right through to... →
George J. Mitchell
People tend to work in teams, in a collaborative way, in an informal network. If you create an environment like that, it's much more effective... →
Jim Mitchell
I'm a very analytical person, a somewhat introspective person; that's the nature of the work I do.
Joni Mitchell
I passed up a lot of work 'cause a lot of movies that may be out there right now I passed em up because there may have been a lot of cussin'... →
Kel Mitchell
If I'm in work mode and going to meetings, I'll make an effort and dress up, but when I'm at home or just chilling, I'm in beanies... →
Maia Mitchell
It's fun to play dress up for work, but when you have those off-days, it's nice to just be low-key.